Quotations & Quotes


Thank you for visiting this Famous Quotations site! Have fun reading the famous and familiar quotations from celebrities from the movies, television, politics and the world of entertainment. Quotes listed are from famous authors, poets and sports stars have also been included! There are sections featuring famous, funny, movie, motivational, birthday, inspirational, humorous and love quote.

Each of the Famous Quotations sections feature the most celebrated quotes of all time! Even Literary terms! And we have also added a section on famous slogans, safety slogans, campaign slogans, company slogans, catchy slogans, corporate, IT and advertising slogans.

Whether you are looking for tricky terms or famous quotations to include in essays or simply for pleasure there will be the perfect quotations for you! Have fun browsing through a totally unique presentation of all of the famous slogans and quotations topics! Lots of ideas!

A really comprehensive quotations site covering all aspects of unforgettable words and sayings by the most celebrated people - authors, poets, movie stars, politicians and sports celebrities.

The many famous stars quotations are well known for their legendary and sometimes notorious Quotes and sayings. Some of these famous, great quotations will be familiar and an example of the famed verbal and spoken communication or quotes used by the famous celebrity. The famous quotations and quotes by these celebrated, eminent, distinguished and prominent celebrities (often notorious or infamous quotations) provide a vast selection of famous funny and funny quotations topics.

Famous Business Slogans!
Catchy Business Slogans used by famous companies and corporations. Slogans are the marketing and advertising equivalents to short quotations and quotes.

Funny Campaign Slogans!
Funny Campaign Slogans used for Marketing and Advertising. Slogans are the marketing and advertising equivalents to short quotations and quotes.

Catchy Slogans!
Catchy Slogans used to promote companies, brands and products. Slogans and Mottos are the marketing and advertising equivalents to short quotations and quotes.

Famous Advertising Slogans!
Everyone enjoys reading Famous Advertising Slogans! Take a trip down memory lane with the various slogans. Slogans are the marketing and advertising equivalents to short quotations and quotes.

Safety Slogans!
Free Catchy Safety Slogans for the Workplace and the office. Slogans are the marketing and advertising equivalents to short quotations and quotes.

Company Slogans!
Company Slogans used by banking, retail, computer and insurance companies and businesses. Slogans are the marketing and advertising equivalents to short quotations and quotes.

Literary Terms!
Those tricky Literary Terms used by famous poets are all described with definitions in a short concise fashion!

Text Messaging Symbols Dictionary!
Do you know the language of text messaging? Short codes and symbols for SMS and Social Media messages and status updates are getting more and more popular. Check out our dictionary of text acronyms!

Full Quotations Website

Famous Motivational Quotes
Some great, Famous Motivational Quotes and Quotations by famous sports and business personalities! Lots of examples of Famous Quotations!

Famous Advertising Slogans!
Everyone enjoys reading Famous Advertising Slogans! Take a trip down memory lane with the various slogans. Use them to compile a list of your favorites!

Famous Funny Quotations!
Have a laugh with Famous Funny Quotations and Quotes from comedians, movie stars and celebrities!

Famous Movie Quotations!
Remember the Movies! Famous Movie Quotations from some of the best movies of all time!

Famous Inspirational Quotes & Quotations!
Our Inspirational Quotes & Quotations will brighten your day and provide comfort during the difficult times

Birthday Quotes!
A great Birthday Quotes and Quotations resource! Some funny and useful Birthday Quotes and Birthday Quotations for that special day!

Love Quotes and Quotations!
Our Love Quotes and Quotations include teen love quotes, sad and funny love quotations.

English and American Idioms!
English and American Idioms! Great examples, descriptions, definitions and meaning of American and English Idioms!

Famous Proverbs!
A comprehensive list of Famous Proverbs! Familiarise yourself with English and American Proverbs

Famous Adages!
What are Famous Adages? Read some examples such as the Peter Principle, Murphys Law and Parkinsons Law!

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