Quotations & Quotes

English & American Idioms

Examples of English and American Idioms!

Let's make the meaning of idioms clear by starting with a list and some examples of English and American idioms! So whether you have "Got out of the wrong side of bed" but still want to gain some "Brownie Points" by demonstrating your understanding of idioms this is the place for you!

We have made our examples, origins and meanings of common English and American idioms funny - "a piece of cake"! So, "Make no bones about it", you can have fun learning and teaching Idioms! "Put on your thinking cap" browse our free, online dictionary & list of idioms! An educational resource for compiling lesson plans and teaching English and American idioms!

Increase your knowledge and understanding of famous and common English and American Idioms

It is easy to increase your knowledge and understanding of common, famous and everyday Idioms by checking out the free, online Dictionary and list of English and American Idioms containing many examples of idioms, their origins and meanings that have been included on this website. A free, online list and dictionary of famous and rare English and American Idioms! There are funny idioms to be found in every language - Spanish idioms, French idioms and idioms in Hebraic roots - non-standard speech, slang or dialect that is natural to native speakers of a language.

Idioms consisting of regional expressions, speech, slang or dialect of a district, community or class. Examples of common Idioms can relate to a variety of subjects including Funny Idioms, Sports idioms, food idioms and idioms found in books such as Catch 22. Some of the modern idioms may make you "Foam at the Mouth"! The free, online examples of Idioms quoted in the list or Dictionary with their origins and meanings are derived, or originate, from common or rare English Idioms and American Idioms! Browse the free, on line Dictionary to increase your understanding of the meanings of English and US Idioms!

English & American Idioms

Examples of English Idioms and American Idioms are fascinating and play a major part in the non-standard speech or dialect that is natural to the English and Americans. In fact a "Double Whammy" of common & rare idioms! Many of the actual origins and meanings of Idioms have been lost in time. But the definitions of the English Idioms and American Idioms have been explained.

The dictionary of English Idioms and American Idioms, together with their meanings, make interesting reading containing facts and information about the individual idioms! A good educational resource for teaching idioms and compiling lesson plans for English and American Idioms! We believe that this site provides the "Full Monty" in terms of the examples of rare idioms we have provided!

What are idioms?
The English and American Dictionary definition of Idioms can be described as follows:

  • Idioms English and American Dictionary Definition 1
    Idioms are common, everyday phrases, sayings or expressions whose meanings cannot be understood by the individual words or elements. Examples of idioms are "Baker's Dozen", "Funny Farm" and "Cold War"

  • Idioms English and American Dictionary Definition 2
    Idioms are non-standard speech, slang or dialect that are natural to native speakers of a language. Regional speech or dialect. Language that is peculiar to a people or to a district, community or class

  • Idioms Dictionary English and American Definition 3
    A style of artistic expression characteristic of a particular individual, school, period, or medium. Examples of idioms are the "idiom of the French impressionists" , "Romanticism", "the Punk Rock idiom" and "Baroque".

The origins of the word 'Idiom'
The origins and meanings of the word "idioms" are from the Latin word 'idioma' meaning individual peculiarity of language and the Greek words 'idiousthai (to make your own) and idios' dictionary meaning own, personal, private.

Have Fun reading the famous English and American Idioms!
Although the word 'idiom' is not commonly used in our everyday language the actual English and American Idioms we list in the Dictionary are frequently quoted! They are familiar to all American and English people! We have our own style, treatment and way of using English and American Idioms in our language. English and American Idioms make amusing and funny reading!

To quote a couple of funny examples of relevant idioms - we are not giving you a "Cock and bull story" or trying to "teach our Grandma to suck eggs"! So "Don't look a Gift Horse in the Mouth" - read the many funny examples in our Dictionary and list of English and American Idioms and enjoy the idiomatic expressions used in the English and American language!

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