Quotations & Quotes

Inspirational Quotes and Quotations!

Enjoy yourself by reading these Inspirational Quotes and Quotations. Famous Inspirational quotations and quotes from politicians, sporting stars and, of course biblical inspirational quotes. We have also included Inspirational Quotes and Quotations from favourite celebrities, film and movie stars.

The sporting, movie and TV stars are fascinating as are their great funny Inspirational Quotes and quotations. Some of the Inspirational Quotes and Quotations can be described as legendary Quotes, and some as motivational Quotations! Inspirational Quotes and Quotations can provide comfort or provide motivational support during difficult times A range of free, famous classic and popular Inspirational Quotes and Quotations by great celebrities have been included.

Inspirational Quotes and Quotations providing food for thought about a variety of subjects such as love, family, faith , life and death. Inspirational words from Philosophers and Religious leaders. Inspirational Love Quotes from famous poets and William Shakespeare, the Great Bard. And On a lighter side funny Inspirational Quotes and Quotations have also been included in this section.

Thomas Jefferson Walt Disney Albert Ellis
Goethe BuddhaMatthew 19:26
Will Rogers Montaigne Sam Goldwyn
Malcolm ForbesRalph Waldo EmersonEphesians 4:26 Biblical
Charlotte BronteJohn Maynard KynesSeneca
Tim Connor Henri L. BergsonMaureen Dowd
Ralph Waldo Emerson Leo Buscaglia James Dean
Oliver Wendell Holmes Elizabeth Kübler-Ross Helen Keller
John Updike SenecaGeorge Bernard Shaw
Robert Bresson Douglas MacArthur Tao Te Ching
Maya Angelou Martin Luther King, Jnr. John Dryden
Peter Ustinov Mother Teresa Lao Tse
Oliver Wendell Holmes William Shakespeare Napoleon Bonaparte
Helen Keller Mother Teresa Albert Einstein
Zig Ziglar Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Jean Paul Richter
Walter Dill ScottDonald Trump Abraham Lincoln
Tony Dorsett Billy Graham Beverly Nichols
Bertrand Russell Mark Twain Woody Allen
Roger von OechRobert C.Edwards Isaac Asimov


Full Quotations Website

Inspirational Quotes & Quotations!The most famous and celebrated Inspirational Quotes and Quotations of all time have been included in this collection of famed inspirational and motivational quotations. Famous, funny and Popular Inspirational Quotes and Quotations from the World of entertainment. Biblical Inspirational quotes provide comfort in difficult times.

Familiarize yourself with the most famous Inspirational Quotes and Quotations by looking through this section of motivational sayings.


Some of the Inspirational Quotes and Quotations raise a smile but some others make you think about life. Famous Inspirational quotations and quotes from politicians, sporting stars and, of course biblical inspirational quotes.

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