Quotations & Quotes

Famous Funny Quotation 109

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remembering a Funny Quote or Quotation by famous celebrities!

" There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life ! "

Famous Frank Zappa Funny Quote

Famous Funny Quotation by Frank Zappa

Have fun remembering the famous funny Quotation by Frank Zappa - one of the legends of the World of Entertainment. The famous amusing Quotation detailed above is well known as an example of the famed verbal and spoken communication, citation or quote used by Frank Zappa. What is your view of this famous funny Quotation? Should it be described as mildly funny, amusing, witty, droll or an hilarious quote or quotation?

This famous funny Quotation has been made even more popular and memorable by the popularity of the legendary star Frank Zappa. We hope that you have enjoyed reading the famous funny Quotation by Frank Zappa. Check out this humorous section for a famous funny Quotation by your favourite movie star or television personality. We hope you had fun reading the famous funny quotation by Frank Zappa !

Famous Funny Quotation and Quote!

Funny Quotation?

Witty Quotation?

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Should this quotation be described as

  • Mildly funny?

  • Amusing?

  • Witty?

  • Droll?

  • Or a Hilarious quote?

Hope you had fun reading the famous, humerous, funny quotation


Funny Quote by Frank Zappa

" There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life ! "

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