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Literary Term - Epigram

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" Epigram "

Literary Term Definition

" A very short, satirical and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. The term epigram is derived from the Greek word epigramma, meaning inscription. The epigram was cultivated by poets like Ben Jonson and John Donne "

Great Literary Term dictionary if you're searching for the definition of Epigram

This example of the Epigram Literary Term definition plays a major part in the study of poems, poetry and Literary works.

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Epigram - Literary Term Definition


Literary Term


Definition: " A very short, satirical and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. The term epigram is derived from the Greek word epigramma, meaning inscription. The epigram was cultivated by poets like Ben Jonson and John Donne "

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