Quotations & Quotes

Famous Movie Quotation 07

Have Fun remembering famous
Movie Quotes and Quotations!

 Famous Movie Quotation 07

by Sandra Bullock (Hope Floats)

" Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. "

Have fun remembering the Famous Movie Quotation by Sandra Bullock (Hope Floats) - one of the legends of the silver screen. The famous quote detailed above is well known as an example of the famed verbal and spoken communication, citation or quotation used by Sandra Bullock (Hope Floats).

This famous movie quotation is so well known that it has entered our everyday language and used as a direct quote or quotation from the film star or movie. This famous movie quotation has been made even more popular and memorable by the popularity of the legendary star Sandra Bullock (Hope Floats). Common mis-spellings associated with this section are famous movie Qoutes, Qoute, Qoutation and Qoutations.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading the Famous Movie Quotation by Sandra Bullock (Hope Floats). Check out this movie section for a famous love, sad, funny movie quotation by your favourite film star or movie.

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Movie Quote 07

by Sandra Bullock (Hope Floats)

" Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. "

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