Quotations & Quotes

Humorous Quotation 20

Have Fun remembering a Humorous Quote or Quotation by famous celebrities!

Isaac Asimov

" Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome ! "

Famous Humorous Quote by Isaac Asimov

This famous Humorous Quotation has been made even more popular and memorable by the popularity of the legendary star Isaac Asimov. We hope that you have enjoyed reading the famous Humorous Quotation by Isaac Asimov. Check out this humorous section for a famous Humorous Quotation by your favourite movie star or television personality. We hope you had fun reading the famous Humorous quotation by Isaac Asimov !

Refer to our funny phrases, including this humorous quote 20, to research this funny quote used as a advertising campaign motto for publicity and promotion.


Humorous Quotation 20

"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome !"

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