Quotations & Quotes

Dilbert Principle

Famous Adage - "Dilbert Principle"


" Dilbert Principle"

Adage Meaning

The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage: management!


Dilbert Principle - Famous Adage

  • Increase your understanding of the meanings of the famous adage Dilbert Principle!

  • An Adage, such as "Dilbert Principle" is a short, but memorable saying, based on an important fact of experience that is considered true by many people

  • Modern Adages are often given proper names and called "laws" or "principles"

  • Some old famous adages are based on the words of old folk wisdom ( Words of Wisdom or Proverbs )

  • Dilbert Principle - Famous Adage


Famous Adage - Dilbert Principle

"The most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage: management!"

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